When you were younger, what stuff did you do to Tamas that you regret now?


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Oh gosh... well most of my tamas never die, but this past week has been all Pause Pause Pause (Hate you Finals <_< ) I've had two deaths in the last month because of all the stress. One was by THINKING it was paused but not really, the other was by my mothers hand. :[ but I knew a girl who would just throw her tama around. if she got upset the poor tama got the full brunt of her rage. she'd get mad at me cuz I would always get Meme/Mimitch like characters and she'd get Gozaru/Masktchi. She'd always get upset and wonder why her stupid tama would never be good. I would tell her you have to be good back. and she'd just laugh. :{ sad. so sad... I remember I would have my lovely V4 on a lanyard and she'd have the "coolest" "newest" tama, she'd be disgusted seeing my "old" tama. she was just following the crowd y'know? but seriously, it's sad.

Oh, boy.

Let's see...debugging my V3 was one. When I was younger, I thought that it was cool. It's not. When I put a new battery in it about a week ago, just to see if it still worked, it was really painful to watch the hyperspeed mode and watch the Tamagotchi get sick and die. There were literally tears coming out of my eyes.

Then there was another time I tried to replace the screen-thingy in a V4, but messed up and half of the actual pixels on the screen were gone. Luckily, I have two V4s and I didn't dare mess with the other one. *hugs Togetchi*

Hmm... I was a model tama caregiver until i hit the explorer point of my life [9-12], where I would take apart my virtual pets and tamagotchis to see the insides and switch around buttons and what not. Sadly I didn't know a thing about putting them back together so I still have some empty tama shells laying around. Also [even to this day] when I get a bad character [maskitchi, the ninja or any ugly characters I don't like] I purposelessly ignore it and mistreat it, of course I feel bad but... I just can't help it... especially when I take good care of them and they turn out hideous...
The explorer point of MY life was 8-9. It's definitely over now (I'm 10).

I've tried to debug 2 Tamas: my V3, and my V6. The V6 happened to be my fourth ever Tama and I can never forget Jack, the Tarakotchi I got on it, so his grave will be in a cardboard pyramid with his death story written in real hieroglyphics on the walls and his name in hieroglyphics in gold metallic pen on the floor.

Debugging doesn't really count as Tama cruelty. It's just, well, debugging. And anything accidental doesn't count either. What counts is what my brother does, like leaving his V5 at home unpaused on purpose when he goes to school (and coming back to find a dead Ninja Family :p ). My friend leaves hers unpaused at home by accident about once every three days, and that doesn't count because she's really busy in the morning so no wonder she forgets to pause her V5.

~ Dazzmina ~

To tell the truth, every single cream or spray that's been put in my room has gone on Tamas and soft toys and it hasn't hurt any of them any more than a bowl of water. (When I got this one soft toy dolphin called Misty at a funfair when I was six, I gave it a long bath as soon as I got home and that permanently made it an un-soft toy. It feels more like a carpet). The only things that hurt my Tamas are plane rides (going on holiday tomorrow, 15 Tamas coming with me, in a sellotaped cardboard box with my pyjamas wrapped around it), debugging and most importantly, me (in the past of course).

As for your resetting V5, sakura-san, it has a glitch called the bump glitch. My Tamas have experienced this twice, and my friend's V5 did too and I saw it, and to be completely honest, all those three Tamas broke. 2 were brand new V5s and one was a very badly treated old V6. This glitch can be caused by very minor falls, since larger falls will break the Tama instantly. It may not break your Tama; if your V5 has survived a week with keeping resetting itself, it's got a really minor bump glitch that probably won't break it. (Note: I am quite sure this is true. It's happened to three of my Tamas.)

All I can say to you guys is, ten and eleven year olds don't deserve such a bad reputation for Tama abuse. We're better nowadays :D

~ Dazzmina ~
To reply to your paragraph about V5's, i don't actually remember dropping it. I probably did though. It has survived all this time though, i have had this v5 since the time of release (can't remember what year that was)


I was in my late teens when Tamas came out. I never tortured or experimented on them. Other VPets weren't so lucky.

I had that Creatures game on my computer and I used to torture those things all the time. Once one said it hated me when I was trying to be nice and cure it's illness, so I killed it on purpose.

Black and White was a computer God game where you had a giant creature as a helper. You could train it, but I mostly smacked it around and made it eat it's own poo.

I took apart a few robotic pets because I was curious about how they worked. I don't really feel bad about the Furby, but I feel terribly guilty about the two I-Cybie dogs, the Tekno puppy and the Poo-Chi. I still have the Poo-Chi's head and it still works amazingly enough. I'd love to have all these still intact now. Robotic dogs are my favorite type of VPet and it makes me sad to think I once took some apart.

Haha, lots of awesome stories here.

I bought my first Tama when I was 14, it was a Connection V1. I didn't mistreat it, but I'm pretty sure I got bored of it after and month, and it probably died sitting on my shelf. Oh well.

When I was younger, around 5 or 6, I LOVED the Nano Kitties and Nano Dogs. I mistreated them horribly. XD I used to scratch off the buttons, I'd let them die all the time, because they were only $5 and my mom would always just buy me a new one. Honestly, I can't even remember how many Nano Kitties I went through. I had green ones, purple ones, orange ones, everything. Why did I even need so many? XD XD

If I had my way I'd have Nano and Giga Puppies in every color and variety available. Of course, I collect dog VPets obsessively.

As I said earlier I was never mean to my Tamas. My nano puppy however was downright spoiled. I miss that little guy so badly.

I understand what's so cute about VPet dogs, since I have Nintendogs. I could never mistreat them! And even if I did do a little experiment on some dog I wasn't attached to really, it would affect the dogs I DO like and I couldn't have that. I'm definitely away from my days of Tama abuse, whew.

~ Dazzmina ~

Oh yes, Nintendogs. I loved Nintendogs. I wish my DS hadn't broken so I could still play it. As a general rule I don't think VPets that only exist on a computer game like the Creatures I mentioned above are true VPets which is why I can do horrible things to them, but I am simply incapable of harming any dog VPet no matter what form it takes and Nintendogs were no exception. I treated my Nintendogs like kings. They're so realistic you'd have to be a complete monster to abuse them.

If you like Nintendogs you may want to check out Wappy Dog. It's a similar concept to Nintendogs but it comes with an actual robot dog VPet that interacts with the game. I bought this despite not having a working DS. The dog is still interactive without the game but I'm thinking seriously of scrounging up the cash to buy another DS just so I can play with this dog.

I took my v3 into a hot tub with me. I thought putting it on the edge of the tub and leaving it there would be fine. Except it baked in the sun and thus the battery became useless so I had to get a new battery. And the little Tamatchi or whatever I had died because the tama went all dysfunctional before I got the new battery.

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one of my best freinds said that he smashed two of them when he was little :[

he says he wished he haddent

I got my first tamagotchi literally when I was 6 and it was the first ever tamagotchi in like 1997 I believe, I got two. I didn't mistreat them on purpose but I'd forget them and leave them completely surrounded by poop so it couldn't move and it got sick. I think I accidently killed so many but now I'm being super careful, when I wake up the first thing on my mind is feed my tama <3.

I stuck rhinestones all over my V5 and it looks so pretty <3. Waiting for my Tama -Go and figures to be shipped from America and also my Music star. I really regret leaving my tama V1's at home cos I can't play with them here....

Haha, I'm the exact same way now. When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is check on my Tama and feed him. :3 You'll love the Tama-Go, it's a super fun version! And I love making custom faceplates, the one I have on now is so awesome. Sometimes when I'm out with my friends, I'll realize I have forgotten my Tama, and make up some excuse to go back home so I can feed it to make sure he doesn't die. XD It's actually hilarious, I'll be like "I need to run home and grab my... laptop... and charger.... yeah...." *desperately runs home to feed Tama* XD

I'm gutted I have to wait ; _ :. I have been struggling to find somewhere that sells them in the UK but could only find america and canada and then I found that Argos is selling them for cheaper than what I paid for and I don't have to wait so I'm sad I have to wait. I'm tempted to buy another one just so I don't have to wait.

Also they don't sell the figures here either ; _ ;

When I first got my v4 a few years ago, even after reading the instructions I had no idea what to do with it. :p I played games with it but I never opened the mail. I would leave my v4 on the stairs by itself until I came home from school and when I came home I would sometimes forget about it. And at night, I thought my v4 would beep so I put it in my closet...and forgot about it. Then it died and I had no idea it did. :p So I left it on my nightstand until the battery died. I'm surprised it didn't leak or something but my v4 works fine now. Then last year, I rediscovered my v4 and loved it again. :)

About a year after my v4, my Mom took me to Toys R Us to buy a v5. I was so confused with the family bonds stuff then, I didn't know how to raise it. I would put it on travel mode and goto school. But one day, I forgot to and my Ninja Family left. Now, I can take care of both Tamas without having them runaway or having to pause them. :)

The only regret i have is leaving my tama in my jeans during gym... was stolen one day (5g, every item). I was so upset. it was later returned but it was obviously dead. that and the year before i forgot it in my dads van on sunday(only saw him weekends). Again, was far with all items. i called him then begged him to look for it then drive back with it.

My Tamas have been through the mill. QUITE often. My first v1 was when I was (you guessed it) 6. Or 5. I was REALLY little, though. And I brought it to school EVERY DAY. I remember this girl brought a tama into class and everyone was jeaous because nobody knew what it was. She kept saying "Go poopie" and when it would poo she'd reset it....smart, eh? lol

Well my best friend got a friendship pack (blue and pink) and promised to give ME one but never did...haha. I ALMOST bought a white Decogotchi v1 in Target when I was on a mini shopping spree for toys because my uncle gave me $150 for Christmas. My sister got the same amount, and bought herself a lilac v1 with dark purple buttons. Decogotchi. If there were plain Decogotchis like in the old days for v3, v4.5, etc, I'd buy one. Unless there already are, hehe.

Well my mom was glad I didn't buy it because for my birthday (a month and 4 days later) I got a metallic purple Decogotchi v1. So I had that. My best friend and I abused ours. I remember we tried to make 2 girls marry and never realized that in Tamagotchi it doesn't work (we never checked their stats). Well, I'd ALWAYS get a Masktchi, but I remember I only ONCE got a better character, but I don't remember what. Well, right now the back and the stickers are gone, and it's all scratched up, but sometimes I put batteries in it to connect with my current tamas, then take the batteries out, lol.

(This is getting very long....)

I never knew what I was doing, though, so my tamas were all 99lbs and only got to play "jump". And I remember my sister took good care of her tams, though ended up with masktchis, and we connected over and over and over for about an hour one day, and my sister REALLY wanted to marry ours, but I got bored and reset mine. it was on the 5thG I think.

Well, my v2 didn't fare much better. My sister got all of the good characters, though.

But in summer of '10 (I think, or 11) I decided to order a v4.5 from Amazon, because I lost mine when I was in 4th grade. So I got it, and the day I got it I decided to take it outside. I'd rubber band it to the handlebars of my bike so I could always see it, made a pouch for it, etc, loved it, lol.

Well we put up our pool and we were filling it up (it was a huge pool so skating around in the shallow water on our feet was fun) so I sat on the ladder and dangled my feet in. It was HOT. So I decided to walk around in it. I unclipped the Tama from my lanyard, and walked around thigh-deep (It was quite deep: I was 5'4'' then) and suddenly I jumped as my dog ran past the pool and I dropped the tam. Bubbles streamed up from it and I dove down and saved it. So I was pretending nothing happened, by telling my dad I must have gotten a defective one. The buttons hardly worked.

If I clicked A, I'd occasionally get A, but mostly get B or C. Same with B or C. I'd hardly ever get the button I clicked. So I got mail literally every 30 seconds, had 999999 points, and my tama kept doing random things. And there was a water bubble in the screen. Well, I left it for a few days to dry, and it's like it's brand new today. It works fine.

But sometimes if I get bored I'll just let it die... I dunno what possesses me to do that.

Well, as you can see I like to write A LOT, so just bear with me, people xD

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