When you say you like Tamagotchi on non-tama sites


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Hi! Lots of us are on other forum sites besides Tamagotchi ones, right? Well, I'm only on ONE non-tamagotchi forum site and I started an off-topic discussion about Tamagotchi (much like the non-tamatalk section on this site) and it wasn't pretty. There were a few who said they once had Tamagotchis, but others said they never even HEARD of Tamas and a lot said they haven't seen them sense kindergarten! They're like, "Those things? Hahaha, no, I haven't seen them since kindergarten" and "We had them back in third or fourth grade..." So yeah, has this happened to you?

Nope, I'm just on TamaTalk. No other forum sites at all, not even Facebook or anything! :D

I am on Quizilla though, a site where you can make quizzes and stuff, and Tamagotchi quizzes are accepted there. I've made 2. :)

~ Dazzmina ~

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i usually hate forums. There's always those people who just annoy me that i can't stand so i avoid forums mostly from too many bad experiences but i really like this one so i stick around! :) That being said i have no experience in mentioning tamas on non tama forums since when i was on non tama forums it was before i liked tamas.

However i was recently taking my tama-go to work with me. When people in the break room saw it they were like "what is that!?" since it doesn't look like an old fashioned tama. When i told them it's a tamagotchi a lot of people responded positively. Mind you i work with adults so that might have something to do with it. They all get nostalgic at some point and end up thinking it's pretty cool. I explained to some of them about the japanese tamas and how much more advanced they are and they are always really surprise how tamas are still popular somewhere. Some don't even know they're from japan!

I'd also like to add that when i was in highschool back when i had my v5 i took it to school with me frequently and i never caught flack for it. I got picked on but not for tamas! xD

It really sucks that you got a negative response on that forum. They were probably just trying to seem cool or something. Their loss if they don't like tamas.

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Most people at the NTWF know I collect virtual pets. They're one of the things I often post about in my forum journal. :)

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