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I used to have a pet bunny. My mom hated my bunny so she made me keep it outside. But after a couple of weeks of keeping it outside, he disappeared. I don't know what happened. When I went outside, all I saw was his fur all over my deck.

I think he may have been attacked by something.
I used to have 14 pets (no joke) 10 of them died 1 of them was a dog called buddy who had been with me my whole life he got cancer and got put down. I never got to say good bye...I was devastated ;_;
we only have one pet left now - a dog called Mojo he is a cute labrador puppy
P.S we had to give away three pets
Oh, that's so sad.
I hate losing pets. U_U
My sister had a neon sunset platy (spelling?) and then we discovered that plastic when changing the water is bad for them so we changed to vase, or something, and then it started to get really healthy and one day when we came home from school my sister noticed that the fish wasn't in the bowl and then I searched the table and about a foot away there was that dead little orange fish. It was so sad. You could see the little evaporating drops of water where it flapped. On her paper cutting board. Still, I don't think the cutting board did any damage to the fish because I don't think it landed on the blade (besides, it couldn't go under it, really) and because there wasn't any damage on the fish body. Still, though, it was sad.
There was this other time where my mother bought thirteen goldfish and we kept them all together. Every week, two would die and then when there were only two left, we figured out the cause - one fish would bite the others. And that fish died by biting itself.
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