When was the last time you laughed?


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When I kicked over the cat food by accident.

About 10 mins agoooo.

As my 1900th post, I'd like to make a small dedication to Starfire, who is 1000's of posts in front of me, yet I still love her. Congrats, Starry :)

That annoying dirt bike rider that's been coming past my house FINALLY crashed in our garden.

And that made me laugh.

But he got a bbiigggg cut in his leg and you could see his knee bone -.-

Now I have to fix our flowers o:<

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When I told my self i can't dance because I'm white =P served by myself!

At school.

Jen drew a guy she named Gizza.

Gizza is a nickname we gave to someone in our class, so we can talk about him at all times without anyone having a clue who it is.

A few hours ago.

Me and my friend were talking about stalkers. It was like "You want to stalk Chris Martin." "Actually, yeah. I probably would." "But you'd be one of those creepy ones that like, steal his underwear." "I wouldn't do that. I'd steal a shirt. And a pair of pants. And a shoe. And a wristband. And raid his cabniets" xDD

A few minutes ago when I was watching Golden Boy.

But then the page reloaded and I had to start back at the beginning of the episode. D:<

A few minutes ago.

This post, my 800th, is dedicated to the boys of TT who I know of. Mikey, Oscar and Tyler, ILY! <3

Last night.

Mummy and I were watching Eurovision and people were being all weird and sassy, so we like cracked up laughing. She was also doing cheap imitations of The Joker which I wasn't happy with, lol.

I haven't laughed today yet cuz I don't really like rainy weather and it's been raining all day long. Plus we had netball and I couldn't concentrate on laughing. That doesn't make sense, loliooo.

Watching AVF. Its funny as. A cat stole a cheese slice out of the fridge and it made me literally roll on the floor, laughing.

When I was at the park with Anastasia.

Telling her the story of how I got kicked out of the art gallery for taking photos, seeing my dream toy (a yellow rhino), and this gay guy searching for scarves for 2 hours. Epic.

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