Okay here's my story

(I'm female)
I first fell in love in grade 6. To my astonishment it was with my best friend Michelle. Well i was scared and lonely for ages, and didn't want to tell anybody in case they didn't want to know me any more (its difficult when your young). Anyway one day i got up the courage to tell Michelle, and guess what? We dated for three years. It was at that moment that i thought, wow, i really love her. My family of course knew and were very accepting (they love me...duh

). Then i moved very far away and we split up. I then dated girls off and on up until year 10. Guys never ever interested me. I thought they were smelly,rude, and obnoxious...hehe. Where as girls were very pretty and mature and delicate. Everyone around me had got used to the fact that i was with girls, and that i was happy. All of a sudden i met a boy called Matthew... and i fell so so very hard for him. It was love, and it was brilliant, and oh so unexpected. Well we fell madly in love... And now we are married
I guess the moral of my story is, don't be in such a rush to label yourself, especially if your young

It can get very confusing and lonely, especially if your just trying to please everybody else. And whether your Gay/Straight/Lesbian, love finds us in weird and wonderful ways. And nothing is wrong with you at all, if you haven't figured out what your heart wants yet. Sometimes you just fall in-love, and there's nothing wrong with something so beautiful.