I'm bisexual, and I'm not afraid to say it. I have been for quite a while. Well, my whole life. I'm one of those people that can be considered a "true biseuxal" because, I know a lot of people that WONDER what it would be like to date the same sex, and say they are bisexual. Thats not true. Also, people who "choose to be" bisexual. You only are if you are born with it. I have not come out yet, because a lot of people at my school hate on gays. One of my friends was beaten up for being bisexual... I dont want that to happen to me. someday I will come out. but right now, to everyone at school I'm straight as a line. Only my best friends know I am bisexual, and a few people who found out (but thats not a problem, they are nice people).