What's your name? What about nicknames?


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I'm Felicia. (NOT like the planet Felucia from star wars!)

Fifi, Fifi the chicken, Pug Man!

Haii, I'm Brittany.




Little Bwitt.

Little Britt.


Mr. Bubbles.


... xD I have strange nicknames.

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i'd rather not day my name. but my music teacher used to call me vanilla.

My name is Ana. People online call me Anacake, but my friend Rachel irl has like five billion pet names for me. xD







My love




And different spellings of all those xD

Once I tried to call my friend Bria 'Burrito', and she called me Mari-joo-ana till I stopped ;O; ;O;

People I don't know so well call me Spongey or Spongecake.

Anacake came from cause Firefox thinks "spongebobiac" is a typo of "spongecake", and my friend was all I'M GONNA CALL YOU SPONGECAKE NAO. Or I could just keep calling you Ana-chan.

And somehow that lead to Ana-cake which changed to Anacake via lazy typing and it stuck.

My name, I will not say. Let's just say my name's Temari. PM me if you really want to know.

My nickname is Temari, Angel, or Ipod.

Temari Nara

I'm Ksenia, as you most likely know...?

Oscar calls me Kessy.

Kay calls me Senny.

My real life friends call me Bradie.

Mum calls me Kitten.

Dad calls me Sunshine.

My baby cousin calls me Seya.

My teacher calls me Missy.

My brother calls me Penia.

Weiwei and Monstr and others call me Sennatard.

Random kids call me Ksen.

I'm positive there's more.

TK. Tee Kay. Goggle. Creep. Horror girl. That chick. Little Girl. Small person. You.

My Dad calls me Est.

A few of my friends call me Essie.

Another friend calls me Estherina.

Feebee calls me Esteh.

Ksenia and others call me Easterberry/Estehberry/Estherberry.

A bunch of people at school call me many different things which are all rather retarded and wonderful.

I'm fine with all of the above xD

Um.. Haha..

Chris-Chan o_O


****** - Lulz.

*** - Um..

Boy lover - errr..

Chris - Yeah.

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My name is Alison.


Ali- my friends, mostly online because I hate when they call me Ali IRL!

Ali-chan- my friend's dad o_O

Pervert- a friend ;)

Nii-chan-My sister

Baby- an online friend XD

Ali-san- a friend

Alice- random people

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