Become a singer. I've always wished to be one xD.Even though I sing horribly, I don't care.
Even if the crowd throws tomatoes at me
I'm the same way. XD
I'm an average singer -- not spectacular; not bad.
But it's like, my DREAM to sing and play my guitar.
I'd love to be a part of a band -- If I really work on my guitar "skills", I would want to be lead guitar and back-up vocals.
If not, I want to be acoustic with an Indie sort of vibe.
So, basically reiterating what I stated above -- On an unrealistic scale, I would love to emerge myself into the music business. I would love to perform. I would love to travel. I would love to share a little piece of myself with the world and make an impact on others. I want to touch people, and I don't mean touching their body. (XD)
On a more realistic scale, I'm going to graduate high school, and go to college. As for college options, I either want to go to Slippery Rock University for a few years and then transfer, or perhaps go to Philadelphia. (I really would love to get out of PA, but I get much better college funding if I stay in state.) If I go out of state, I would love to do what my cousin is doing -- Go to college in Maryland or Washington DC. DC is a GORGEOUS city, and I would LOVE to live there, or live near by. The culture, the politics, the architecture... I love that city
Of course, I would also love to move to New York City <3 The only place I would move where the weather is probably colder than it is here in Pittsburgh. But the cost of living there is outrageous

If I ever DID move to New York City, I would love to work in a cafe
But I'm leaning toward DC atm
I want to get married young -- 23-26-ish. I want to have kids between 24-27 (first child, at least). I want three kids -- Two boys and a girl, preferably. My first daughter is going to be named Mary Katherine -- No questions asked
Realistic career-wise, I think I would love to be a teacher. I've thought about a journalist/photographer, which, who knows, could be my calling, but I love kids, and I love to teach. So right now I'm thinking a teacher !
The future is still unclear for me. I have many goals in sight and a lot planned out, but there is a lot of room for me to grow and find what I want to make of my life
EDIT: Oh, and of course, I'm going to Japan the spring break of my senior year of high school. I'm already saving for it. No ifs, ands, or buts about it