What's your greatest fear.


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I'm have a phobia against spiders. :( They crawl all crawley. :furawatchi:

I hate them because when i was little my dad hated spiders and one crawled towards me and he panicked because he hates spiders. :angry:

Once a tiny spider crawled on me and i had a panick attack!!! ;)

i'm scared of spiders, the loud noise from the cinemas or loud noise, scared of how high i go like ferris wheel, and the color black, scary movies,

I Have Arachnophobia; The phobia of spiders!

And sharks, when i was going on holidday with my mum, i saw a shark in the ocean...O-O....We all had to get out of the way, then this man went out to the shark with a boat...i don't know what happened after that coz we had to ge back to the hotel!

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