What's your favourite nostalgic Tamagotchi moment?


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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
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When you look back at your time with the Tamagotchi line, what's your personal all-time favourite moment?

For me, it was noticing that the art-style of the Gen 1 Tamagotchi was quite similar to, and shared an oddball sense of humour with, Nintendo and HAL Laboratory's Kirby video game series, which I noticed right after the Tamagotchi line was released in the West.

I first noticed this when my first Babytchi evolved into Marutchi, because I felt that Marutchi kind of resembled Kirby, and I continued to notice it throughout my time running the device.


Kirby meets Marutchi.

Kirby originated on the Game Boy, which had a greyscale display that allowed for four shades of green (which was changed to four shades of grey on the Game Boy Pocket), and the Tamagotchi line originally had monochrome displays, so similar limitations influenced the character-designs of both, which are generally simple, cute, and very expressive.

The Kirby series is one of my all-time favourite video game series, and I loved the fact that the Tamagotchi bore similarities to its art-style and sense of humour, so that's why this is my favourite nostalgic Tamagotchi moment.

What's yours?

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For me it would've been finding out about the V3.

I was 10 at the time, and it'd been about four months since I got my first Tamagotchi. At the time, I wasn't still unaware that the V3 existed - it hadn't come to the UK just yet and I didn't have an internet connection that I could use to learn about what was going on with Tamagotchi outside the UK (remember the days when not everyone had a solid internet connection? I don't know how I survived!)

After school one day I went to a friend's house and along the way we chatted about whether we thought they'd be a V3. I was convinced there wouldn't - my reasoning being that "I don't know how it would connect to the V1 and V2" (pretty terrible reasoning, in retrospect). He had an internet connection, so naturally we were planning to take a look at the Tamagotchi website when we got to his house.

We started up the computer and immediately went there - this is what we were greeted with:


I remember my friend turning to me and we both said "V3!" in unison.

We watched the advert - which, in retrospect, kinda sucks - but at the time? It was the coolest thing, god were we excited. Even the little antenna on the side of the shell was genuinely fascinating and interesting to us.

We had a little Tamatown journey too - I think I still have the passwords I collected on that day, too.

Something about that day is just totally cemented in my memory and I get seriously nostalgic whenever I think of it.

For me the most nostalgic memory is finding out about the v3 as well! It was my first version since it was the first tamagotchi to come out in Poland (pretty sure none of the vintages and v1/v2's came out before). One of my mom's clients came over and she had her son's v3 zebra Tamagotchi with her and she let me play on it, I absolutely loved it. Then I saw an advert on a W.I.T.C.H. magazine and I couldn't stop looking at it. Later on my aunt promised me one but in the meantime we went to a mall and to Empik (basically a book/stationery/music store here in Poland) and got a lemon soda v3 because I was super impatient (I didn't even like the shell but they had no others). I still got the v3 from the aunt too though, it was white in pink flowers, and I was a quite cool kid in the elementary school for having two of them! :D   

When I first learned about tamagotchi as a child I thought it was a toy that actually hatched from an egg. I was very intrested and wanted one and thus my love for Tamagotchi began.

Sitting in the computer lab of my high school during lunch break playing on TamaTown with my Tamagotchi. None of my classmates ever judged me for it or cared that I had a Tamagotchi with my nor did my teachers care (I was a well known multitasker and even helped classmates learn to Multitask so always was able to pay attention, take notes answer questions, complete assignments while taking care of my Tama not to mention my homework was always done and in on time and I had good grades.)

Most of them were curious about it and wanted to know where I bought it and if it was a new Tama Bandai had made.

I would wander around TamaTown buying food and looking around and stuff.

My favorite version of TamaTown was the one where we got our own room to decorate and could see other players walking around as their Tama.

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When I was 5, I remember wanting a Tamagotchi but being too young and poor to even know toy stores and aisles even existed. So the day McDonalds gave me a Tamagotchi Keychain to go with my happy meal was one of the happiest I'd been. I was made happier in middle school when I finally saw the Tamagotchi's again and bothered my mom for a v2. But yeah, I'll see pictures of the Tamatchi Keychain online and feel happy to fulfill 5 year old me's tiny lil wish of getting a Tamagotchi.  ❤️ 

For me, it was the day I had finally saved up (almost) enough money buy my first tamagotchi. :ichigotchi:

I used to get 50p every once in a while as pocket money, and I had saved up a grand total of £12.50 (tamas were around £13/14 at the time, I think).

I was 9/10 years old, and had no real concept of what was expensive and what wasn't, so to see I was a pound short both terrified me and made me extremely impatient. I went to my mother and grovelled at her feet so she would give me the £1 I was missing. She conceded (in what I thought was the biggest act of generousity at the time), and drove me to Argos. It was here I got my very first tama, a red v2.

I loved that little thing with all my heart. I took it to restaurants, on holidays, to school... until it was stolen from my desk during a lesson and I knew it was the boy who sat next to me. That evening I gathered my parents to go and knock on the boys door and got it back (screw you, Bradley!). My little Ichigotchi was barely hanging on, but I was triumphant :kuribotchi:

Any memory of my little Version 2 is nostalgic to me!


My favourite memory is when I found my very first Tamagotchi, my chocolate argyle V4.5, after several years of not using it. I lost it after only several days, but one day while I was at school, my mother found it. The Kuribotchi I had on it had died (obviously), so she reset it; it was a girl she named Bella. She was a KuchiTamatchi when my mother gave it back to me, and she evolved into Ura Young Yattatchi, and finally, Shitekitchi. She was the most beloved Tamagotchi I ever had ❤️

(And it's the biggest reason Shitekitchi is one of my favourite characters :D )

I'm afraid that I'll have to lock this due to the rules on topic-bumping stating that threads aren't to be bumped if they haven't been posted in for more than three months, unless any of the other Guides feel otherwise. 🐧

If any of you guys want to do a "remake" topic to continue on from this one (again as suggested in the rules), please do feel free!

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