In every game I have a few favorites in my team... so I guess I'll just list those.
Red: Mew and Growlithe
Blue: Pikachu (I'm not far in that one.
Yellow: Ivysaur, Charmeleon and Wartortle
Gold: Shiny Girafarig, Feraligatr and Mareep
Silver: Vulpix, Miltank and Poliwag
Sapphire: Seviper and Breloom
Emerald: Houndoom, Skarmory and Absol
LeafGreen: (This is my favorite game so I have a lot of favorites I'm raising) Dratini, Espeon, Umbreon, and Raichu
FireRed (My sister's file, but I caught a few and traded them to LG) Electabuzz, Scyther and Chansey
Diamond: Murkrow, Clefairy and Luxio
SoulSilver: Flaaffy and Wooper
I haven't completely finished any of these games yet.
Red: Mew and Growlithe
Blue: Pikachu (I'm not far in that one.
Yellow: Ivysaur, Charmeleon and Wartortle
Gold: Shiny Girafarig, Feraligatr and Mareep
Silver: Vulpix, Miltank and Poliwag
Sapphire: Seviper and Breloom
Emerald: Houndoom, Skarmory and Absol
LeafGreen: (This is my favorite game so I have a lot of favorites I'm raising) Dratini, Espeon, Umbreon, and Raichu
FireRed (My sister's file, but I caught a few and traded them to LG) Electabuzz, Scyther and Chansey
Diamond: Murkrow, Clefairy and Luxio
SoulSilver: Flaaffy and Wooper
I haven't completely finished any of these games yet.