What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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Here it is again, but with an exclamation point:

The ****... and abor... topics are more active than the Tama anime topic! D:

When my 5-year-old brother always draws Tamagotchi characters with GIGANTIC rude body parts that fill up the whole page! :eek:

I have many, but my current one in this very moment would be the stupid cursor thing on Tamatalk! I hit backspace, and it takes me all the way to the beginning of my sentence so I erase what I didn't mean to erase! When I try to highlight something, it only lets me on the second or third try!

Some English rugby fans on twitter at the moment! I mean hey, giving a bit of stick to another team as joking banter is alright - but saying 'I hope we smash those potato-eating, leprechaun loving *insert cuss here*' or something along the lines is quite rude. Now don't get me wrong, I love England and the rugby/rugby fans too, but this goes for all teams as well!

It's just downright disgusting and racist to be fair.

sorry if i offended anyone

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^ I find it funny how my mom is very into religion and yet she dismissed me from religion classes at school and doesn't force me to go to the church... Not going by herself too because she finds it a waste of time. I have an awesome mom.

One of my pet peeves is people chewing gum near me. I almost vomited at school library computers when one guy was chewing a gum near me...

Aw, I chew gum occasionally (to keep my brain awake particularly during the 1 - 4 PM "sleepy hours" of the day. But I don't chew loudly and obnoxiously though.

I really don't like people who put on too much scent! I was at the gym yesterday at the treadmills doing my usual run when some guy occupied the treadmill beside me and he smelled like he poured the entire bottle on him! I nearly fainted from the very strong scent that I had to transfer somewhere else. Geez, sometimes people have to learn to be considerate.

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HEARING PEOPLE EAT, and anyone using the term "Mary Sue".

I swear if I ever meet someone in real life who uses that term, I might just set them on fire.

I don't like people eating or even breathing either.

And I don't like people who put on too much scent either... I'm a girl and I hate normal perfumes even. It's a torture when my mom takes me to a perfume shop...

And I don't mind a term Mary Sue to be honest. I used to hate it too but then I saw all terrible characters 12 year old girls make..

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I don't like people eating or even breathing either.

And I don't like people who put on too much scent either... I'm a girl and I hate normal perfumes even. It's a torture when my mom takes me to a perfume shop...

And I don't mind a term Mary Sue to be honest. I used to hate it too but then I saw all terrible characters 12 year old girls make..
LOL it's true, there are some terrible characters out there -- but what bothers me is that whenever I ask someone for the definition of a Mary-Sue, the answer ALWAYS is different, and NEVER matches up to the character being called one.

I think we should officially change the term "Mary-Sue" to "Character I don't like/Terrible character".

I actually have several:

People arguing about random stuff on topics that are supposed to be about un-random stuff.

Having to enter a short story competition for school. I'm hopeless at short stories.

Homework - French and some other subject revision, probably science, and the science tests they do at my school are annoying in every way. As in, it's impossible to revise for them because at least half of them is about stuff that's not in the textbook or anything.

It not being Wednesday. My friend's coming over on Wednesday and it will probably be the best day this whole half term.

Having wet hands and not finding a towel to dry my hands with.

I have a lot actually, most of them are shared with the rest of the hoot owl fandom

when people judge Adam based on one song

when people say Adam's turning into a "generic pop artist" or something

when people call Owl City "they" how many times do we have to tell you Owl City is just one guy (although he does sometimes collaborate with other singers and while on tour he does have a live band)

there are more stuff, other hoot owls can tell you about it

when people borrow money from me, and it's not for the reason you think, money has very little appeal to me, it's just that I'm not allowed to lend money, my parents don't allow me but I can't explain it to them and they'll just think I'm greedy so I lend it to them but then I get really stressed out and anxious and they always pay it back one week later so I pretty much get stressed out for one week and they don't approach me so I have to approach them and I feel mean like I'm taking their money and I feel bad but it's my money so bottom line is borrowing money from me really puts me under stress and guilt and makes me feel bad in the end please just don't ask someone else please especially if you're borrowing more than a hundred pesos

when people add ñ to my name like seriously why not just use a regular n why do you have to freaking add an ñ, you might think they're the same but it's like confusing you're and your or than and then

meh I probably have more pet peeves but yeah too lazy to list them all

When I go to dry my hands after washing them and they're still soapy. Worst feeling.

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