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10-14 year old girls using stupid pet names on people much older than them like STOP
That's a huge deal here as well.. people do strange things while driving.. As long as you're safely away from them, it's interesting to watch. I was on a field trip one day back in high school and we got to watch a lady contouring her face while we were at a stoplight. Adults picking their nose while driving is very common here as well. It really is disgusting.Something I have a major problem with is people who are on their phones or smoking while driving.
Now, I can learn to drive in September, but I wouldn't feel safe learning when so many people are on their phones and driving.
I'm in the UK and this is illegal but it just happens so often, just yesterday I was with my mum and we saw 3 people on their phones and they weren't driving properly. These people had vaguely new looking cars and phones, so they clearly had a bluetooth feature they could have used so they could drive with their two hands down a tight road (cars parked on either side of the road. Eh, common thing here) and not almost crash into us.
I also have a problem with people picking their noses in public, it just grosses everyone out, at least use a tissue. And the other week I saw someone who looked about 30-40ish picking their nose at a bus stop... and eating it. Eugh it made me feel so sick.
Since I can't go back and edit my older posts I'm going to treat this like a add on to my top post.When I read articles online about stuff from the 90s and they use a Tamagotchi connection or 2012 furby for the 90s ones. It really bugs me. I love both of these versions but they look different from the 90s ones.
I second this because I'm a male with long hair, and people mistake me for a female sometimes, it's rather annoying. I'm trying to grow some actually visible facial hair.- Being called the opposite gender pisses me off as well
Its really disgusting. They are still a pedophile and have no business talking to young children period. I worry for the kids of today. I remember watching those To Catch a Predator episodes and feeling grossed out by those men. In the back of my mind saying "GOOD they caught those sick pieces of toxic waste."20 and up people on the internet that flirt/date with 10-15 year olds and feel like it's ok and it's not pedophilia because it's on the Internet, not irl.