What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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  • the fact that I forgot what I was going to write

when I ask someone to take my violin in for me and they put it in with the CONCERT Orchestra violins.
ignorant people
that kid who screams out that homophobic slur in the hallway and uses gay as an insult

i want to give him a hug around his throat

that kid who screams out that homophobic slur in the hallway and uses gay as an insult

i want to give him a hug around his throat
"Giving a hug around someone's throat" is now my new favorite phrase!

Speaking of homophobic things, I could say that the entirety of my school is a huge pet peeve. They all drink, smoke, and sometimes the teachers aren't better either. My economy teacher says that it's better if a 14 year old guy makes a girl pregnant than if he was to tell his parents that he wanted to "change his orientation" [sic] or sex/gender (we don't have different words for that).

Sesame Street... I used to not mind it but since my 18-year-old boyfriend obsesses over it, I just hate it so bad... I'm really embarrassed about him... :(

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When I make a mistake or do something wrong, and there's like 10 people correcting me about it. HELLO. I've already heard it the first time.
Like how Ive got 20 comments on my Tamagotchi Friends video saying I bump the Tamagotchis too hard :)

I'm pet peeved at rabid fangirls who go into a fit if someone else likes their fictional "husbando" :[

People whispering to me for no reason other than to be dramatic and talking to themselves when they are aware I am in the room. This is super annoying because sounds like this trigger my acute hearing too much, and at the same time I'm often hard of hearing due to an untreated chronic ear inflammation.

When girls do the extremelly forced ~cutesy~ "ahh-chu~ :333" sound when sneezing. Ugh. Especially when they have annoying voices.

^ Not telling anybody not to do this, just saying that I don't like it. My ears are super sensitive to sounds (when I'm not half deaf) so various sounds and even just voices make me MAD. Especially singing voices. That's why I listen to only like 2 music artists.

When senpai doesn't notice me

When the person next to me in Orchestra almost takes my eye out with their exaggerated bowing.

The giant mountain of homework I get everyday.

The fact that I always lose stuff, like pens (give me a pen I will probably lose it in 5 seconds), pencils, and 2 classroom books.


Extremely biased opinions

Here in the Philippines no one would every like you if you get low grades and they'll all love you if you get higher ones.eh.
yeah that's how the "higher order" of popular people are made up of vs the "losers":/ . Having bad grades sends you straight to being ignored and never in the same shining glory as the "top 10 "kids in class. Once you're in the top 10 and start winning contests, that's when you become one of popular kids..aaaaand the whole school would pretty much know who you are.

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