I haven't seen my room in about a month because I've been away.
It's teeny. I don't think I have enough room for a desk, but I'm buying one anyway. It's a pretty small desk though...
I have white walls and pink carpet, my walls are pretty bare except for a shelf that's super cluttered with my Harry Potter books and little figurines my mom bought for me when I was born. I have a very pretty iron bed, the most awesome vintage night table with these painted flowers on it, and the sexiest lamp ever. It has all these nice curves and it has some crystals on it, so when I wake up in the morning little rainbows are reflected on the walls. I have a plain wooden dresser and drawers, and pink shades. There's also French bullentin board I never got around to nailing to the wall, it's balancing on a box my 'new' ceiling fan came in. We never even put it up, it's been sitting in that box for years. The picture on it looks really pretty, and the ceiling fan that was supposed to be replaced years ago has a bare lightbulb and it and shakes violently went it's turned on. My parents buy stuff for home improvement projects and never do it, even if it's as simple as nailing a painting to a wall. We have loads of paintings leaning against the wall in our living room. The last one we nailed up was last month, and the only reason we put it up was because my brother bought it for my mother before he went away for a year, and said he would be super mad if she didn't put it up by the time he got home. While he was was on the plane home, my mom was frantically putting nails in the wall to hang it up.
I would like to have a French room with light blue walls, hardwood floors, a black and white swirly bed sheets set, and white painted furniture. That would be awesome. :3
But for the room I have now, all I really need to do is replace the ceiling fan, buy the desk, hang up these awesome iron hooks for my jackets, hang up the bullentin board, and my room will be good enough to live in until I have to move out.