What's the thing you say most often?


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'Nyeh' Is like my signature word. Whenever I'm confused, I'll just say "Nyeeeeeeh?" X3

On msn, I say lol when I have nothing better to say, but in real life, I say 'you suck' too much.

Kay, there's a ton:

Bradie, pooh, darn, awww!, rawr, yes, no, i love you, neh, naawwwuhh, yeah.

Bradie, Lolio, Freakin, Shiz, Sublime, Bastard, Ohmygod, Nyapow, Like, Plum, Horendous, Oh My My, Harhar, Gizza, Roadkill, Maurice, Epic, Id!ot, Crep, Thick As Thieves, Andy, Mimmy, Shimmy, Want, Boat, Shizza, For The Win, Raccoon In A Business Suit, What The Hell, Boom, Korn, Yuppers, Nuppers, Nup, Yeah, GOSH, Yeeeee, Poop, Okie dokie. Yesh, Kapeesh.

All of those are part of my constant vocabulary, and alot of them have hidden meanings ^_^

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When I play on my PS2, I mostly say 'So much for that', because I always come up with wonderful pans that fall apart as soon as my character gets hit. xD

Tama :D Phantom

This post is dedicated to names.

~Ksenia, Mikey, Bradie, Audrey, Max, Alexandra, Richard, Esther, Phoebe, Melissa.

My friendies. And the last one is my horrid sister.

Oh, yes. And I say the word "like" a lot. =P "No, no, it was like, this...." or "Like, the other day.." I think I say it more than I realize. It annoys me.

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