The longest I've been awake for is about 40 hours because I was really stressed about something and stayed up all night worrying about it. I'm frequently awake until about 2 AM for the same reason. That used to happen almost every night but now I listen to audiobooks that scare me but they distract me from stuff I'm worrying about so I go to sleep. And I'm never tired in the morning...I've always been getting about half the sleep I'm meant to, it's normal for me.
Nearly two days due to insomnia. I have a lot of times when I'm up for about 24 hours because I simply can't sleep. It's a miserable thing to have to go through.
A little long than 48 hours. It was in the bus on the way to Hongary for the holidays. I sat on the seat that's on the side of the aisle and the person next to me was a stranger so I couldn't use him as a pillow LOL
About 3 days too. My brother always stayed up late and I always thought it was amazing how he could do that. I tried so hard and in the end I fell asleep on the stairs and my dad woke me up by pouring water on me.