What's the longest you have managed to keep a tama alive?


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I had a v4.5 running up to G10.

That took me 2 and a half month :-(

I felt kinda empty when it died and had that "What do I do now?" feeling. It was odd not having it with me anymore afterwards xD

I think the longest for me was a few years ago, I made it to like 3 gen on my V3. I just restarted my tama tonight so we'll see how far I get this time. :)

Sorry, but this is a n00b question, but what exactly is a generation. I heard of age, but that's about it.

What I think it is: A generation is one character on your tama. Every time it changes it's a new generation?

Sorry, but this is a n00b question, but what exactly is a generation. I heard of age, but that's about it.

What I think it is: A generation is one character on your tama. Every time it changes it's a new generation?
You start a new generation every time your tamagotchi has a baby and you raise their baby.

@Stefan Bauwens: Vintage Tamagotchis don't have generations, so if you mainly use vintages you may not be familiar with generations.

Yeah, it's thatswhy. They just die on the vintage ones(or go back to their planet).

I don't know about generations, but I remember when I was 5, I managed to keep my very first tama ever alive until it was 29 on my V3!

Right now I have 11 generations on my Tama-Go. I raised my V3 up to the tenth generation years back, but then it got stolen from my backpack and subsequently mutilated. Vengeful thief, I guess. :(

My highest is Gen 2 on both my TamaGo and ID-L.

The Tamagotchis I have now are all recently purchased.

I've only had vintages before them.

I think I've made it well into the 20s before... But it's been a while since that has happened.

Gen 5.

Well that is what mine is up to at the moment. ^_^

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But that isn't too bad, right? Once reset, you can select download? If you then chose reset instead of download, I'm sorry for you. :(

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No what happed was that the batteries ran out so I replaced them a went into the Download/Reset menu and I wasn't paying attention so I accidently pressd the reset.It was rather stupid of me. :p

I managed to raise 48 generations on my iD L before I tabbed it up and switched to the P's :D

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