What's something you learned today?


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I leanred that there is such thing as fear of long words. It's hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Irony, is it not?

I also learned I have Mottephobia-the fear of moths.

Some people are angered by my dog.

My dog is a complete idiot.

He tried to eat my catcus, can you see how that didn't work?

Licking a fence is rather fun.

I think my brother has decided to disown me as a sister.

I totally did get new neighbours!

That when you put "in bed" after pretty much any sentence it sounds dirty. xD

Some Netballers can get really aggro and cause you and your friends to injure themselves.. some being bad enough that you have to sit out for the game.

Good Girls Go Bad is winning on Weiwei's poll :[

People prefer Good girls go bad over Fire burning, which makes me happy.

There's such thing as acoustic surgery.

Well not really, but in typo land there sure is. : D

Starry is slightly P!ATD obsessed. But that's why we all love her.

Awkward kids with big heads small bodies or vice versa can be popular too xD

I am size 8 in rings.

Tiffany & Co isn't so fancy.

People act weird when I put my ring on a certain finger.

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