*Some people just get too hyperactive during free time.
*I like dressing up as death.
*I scare people when I am death.
*Maddy, Lauren, and Chloe love Jen and I [they're grade 2's x3 ]
*Maria likes to be Korean.
*I break things. I broke everyone's favourite mask. Dx
*All the Star Wars books at the library are outttt O:
*Jen and Kylie like to prankcall me.
*Acid has weird dreams.
*I can't shoot very well in Netball.
*Mummy fixed the lightswitch before I could show Jen!
*People like Pokemon too much.
*Emily is a very fast knitter.
*I am a very very very slow knitter, it's not funny.
*Glitter glue doesn't dry very quickly.
*People think it's weird when they see Mikee, Jen and I all walking around with our DS'.
*Stephen Hawking is cool.
*EdMail at school has problems.
*Feebee likes all colours.
*I learn a lot everyday.
*Shaun likes to jokingly kiss Jen :\