What's something you learned today?


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-I'm the worst at beach volleyball. I can't serve, get the ball over the net or hit the ball. Thats why my team lost all our games Dx.

-It's fun to run up to the speaker at volleyball when Shake It comes on.

-Falling on my friends is fun! Especially when you're meant to be hitting the volleyball!

-Sarah hates Get Shaky by The Ian Carey Project.

-Just cuz you can't serve in volleyball, doesn't mean that your team will get angry.

-I learnt how Weiwei actually looks =D. She's prettyful.

I learned that:

-Ksenia has just as much problems playing volleyball as i do.

-She is also very prettyful

^ Oh, the horrors of volleyball. Don't get me wrong - I have made contact with the ball. Only it hit me in the head, causing me to scream and fall on someone's bag. So that doesn't really count. XD

Broken noses are ouch.

The only person I seem to hurt is myself.

Like, if anything is going to fall on anyone, it will fall on me. Life is just not fair. XD


One of the funniest of life's views would be Feebee and I attempting to play a game of volleyball together. That must happen someday. XD

Zomg, Esteh, we could destroy the world.

Once, I was practicing for the Summer League in the park, so it was me and all my friends in bikinis, and so, these 'goth' kids were like, "Hey. Let's go watch the dumb blonde play sports." Then I look over, and scream, "I AM NOT STUPID!" Just as three balls whack me in the ****s, leg, and head, sending sand everywhere, and wiping me out. I think they all wet themselves.

-Esther and Feebee have just as much problems playing volleyball as me, if not more.

We must play volleyball one day together. Just, teams. I WANNA BE ON ALL OF YOUR TEAMS, I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO DECIDE WHO TO BE WITH AND YEAH!


Ahh, creative ideas of the morning...

I learn't FeeBee and Esther seem to suck at volleyball.

It is scary sport though. I always run and hide in the fetal position until the teacher gets angry. I'm afraid of all ball sports except hockey!

And FeeBee. The net sounds like an accident. I broke someones nose in netball because I was trying to shoot into the hoop and they were defending me and all like "Go on, shoot the hoop shortie" so I whacked them in the face with the ball and was banned from playing netball at that school forever.

I also learn't the rain is wet. And the weather man was right. Lots of rain.

I learned that I'm even worse at Volleyball than Starfire and Ksenia combined. Because I cannot even touch the ball.
Unless you were referring to Starfire. Im not Starfire.

Srry if you weren't referring to me. =]

Now everyone is commenting on my volleyball badness. XD

Thank goodnessgracious we finished the volleyball module. Now we're onto Badminton. I was working with Camille on a team against Koby and Dylan. A very amusing turn-out, as I dodged the badminton-ball-thing every time. With the occasional scream or fall. And got shouted at by Koby and Mr C. For dodging and screaming and falling. Dylan and Camille found it hilarious, though. And then I pretended to eat the Badminton racket and Dylan was like, "My turn! My turn!" so I ate him too. (I'm joking about eating Dylan, by the way.) xD

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