What's something you learned today?


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• That Ksenia is waaaaaaaaaaaaay taller than I thought.

• Chewing more than one extra strong mint gum at a time BURNSSSS. D:

• My old dress from when I was 8 still fits me and makes me look smexy.

• Staples is having a sale on wireless computer mice!!

• Ksenia has no videos on her YouTube account

I learned, that if you're going to come to school wasted, just don't go at all.
I learned that my friends will not hesitate to claim my ****s and write on them with a sharpie. They're all little perverts, and now Kaleb, Spencer, and Will own my chest >.<

**** writing. Classic. I wore a low cut top and had my mate write 'Pervert' on my chest. We all did it. Old people don't like it.


Ash taught me how the bus exchange works and i'll never get lost again [scared. Probably]

A random guy named William loves my eyes.

I'm fricken cupid - Evil edition. [Awesome story to accompany]

The turd pit is the lamest place to be seen.

If Grace wants a cheeseburger, Grace gets a cheeseburger.

That Ksenia is waaaaaaaaaaaaay taller than I thought.• Chewing more than one extra strong mint gum at a time BURNSSSS. D:

• My old dress from when I was 8 still fits me and makes me look smexy.

• Staples is having a sale on wireless computer mice!!

Ksenia has no videos on her YouTube account
Yesh, I am tall xP Jealous much? Lol, I hate being tall. So not fun...

And yeah, I dont have any vids on my YT account. It will never let me upload them -Invites Shayna over my house to help me upload vids-

Anyway, I learned:

-Mr K wants me to teach him Russian :|

-I cannot knit AT ALL! My stupid knitting turned out in a mess with string dangling from everywhere and un-neccessary holes in the wrong places.

-Mrs Heath doesn't like it when me and my friendlings ''try to climb out of the school''. Pffft, yeah right. We were REALLY trying to climb out of the school [/sarcasm]

-I ish now officially tallest in my school D: DARN!

-Some kids are weird. Especially when they try to shove triangles [teh instrument] into random guys' arms.

-Keyboard is like so fun.

-I am better at guitar then I thought...

-I semi-learned how to cast off in knitting.

-All of FOB's songs are amazing <33333

-Jen is coming over tomorrow ;D

-Mr K will let me and Jen make an announcement in assembly for Mason Musso's birthday!

-Dont run inside the friggen classroom while holding your choir chair. You.Will.Trip.

Yeah....I learned alot.

I learned that I can ask my BD some srsly random questions in the morning. ._.

[Today, I just ran up to him, and asked if I could play my D's + G's ,other notes with 1+2 combo with the third valve. o.o]

I also learned that I can get really jealous. [Today it was about Scott talking to a girl. WTF??]

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^ Ksenia would tower over me. But that wouldn't matter, because she is my twin, and so of course would crouch down just to make me feel included.

This one's for you, Ksenia. xD

I learned that I can't afford Paramore tickets. ;_; I have to ask my parents now.

I learnt that it is not a good idea to try and find out what happens when you use, like, a whole fistful of shampoo in your hair. The result is just greasy hair, an empty bottle and an angry Mum. But it was worth it, because now I know.

Today [Well. This Technically. When I was on the computer around 1:30-2:00 am. So it still counts as today]

I learnt that I should get a webcam. Because I really need one.

And That Ksenia is like the little internet sister I never had.

And that the Band Short Stack is Awesome. Even Though I only listened to two songs.

And that I figured out a way to fall down as I please. Jumping off the bed and trying to reach the lightswitch. In the Dark.

^ Ksenia would tower over me. But that wouldn't matter, because she is my twin, and so of course would crouch down just to make me feel included.
This one's for you, Ksenia. xD
Awww...ILY Esther!

Yes, we are twins. Thats what I do to all my little friends. It really stings my knees, but you know, its easier for them so they dont have to look up at me xD. Once again, ILY Esther, and we shall always be twins <3333333333333

@Acid: Awwwww. ILY too. You are my internet big sister. And yes, BIG sister. Finally, someone's taller then me xD. Hehe, Im glad I told you bout Short Stack. They're epic, aren't they? And yes, YOU NEED A WEBBY!

@Feebee: Yeah. I dont know any other 11 year olds who are 5'7.5. Nor 12 year olds who are 5'6. Tall people FTW! Eh, only advantage about being tall is that you can see what people's heads look like -Examins Esther's and Shayna's heads-.

Anyway, back on topic.

I learned:

-Mrs Summerton likes doing aerobics with us.

-I fall over during aerobics.

-Painting is fun, yet dangereous, therefore Mr K admitted that he will never let me paint again.

-Twistable crayons taste gross ._.

-Esther is the size of Sarah's mum. Now I can see what it'd feel like looking at her.

-TamaTalk is blocked at school. DARN IT!!!

-I ish officially green team's vice captain ;D

I learned on MSN that Ksenia has a Super-Ultra-Mega computer that is immune to Milkonade

I also learned that Shimmy a Go Go by Short Stack is an AWESOME SONG.

Thank You Ksenia for telling me about them <33333 ily

I also learned that Bingo is Really Fun. Especially playing Bingo with The Elderly. Old people are adorable <33. They're like, Large babies, But they can walk [some], and Talk [some]. And they drink Tea. <3

^Short Stack is amazing <333 and so is Milkonade <3333

-No one in my class apart from Jen can pronounce my last name xP

-Its fun to wear pyjamas at 6:30pm ;D

-Esther has pink fluffy slippers -IsJealous-

-Its easy to break the school microphone. Luckily, the principal fixed it.

-According to Mr K, I am not organised enough and do not stay on task.

-I can hear so much better when wax is taken out of my ears.

-I think wax got in my ears from eating too many crayons :|

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