What's something you learned today?


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I learnt that listening to any song from Ocean Eyes by Owl City at 11:30pm is relaxing :)

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Erk from Fire Emblem is only fifteen years old. o:

That's, like, the only fictional character I adore that's not out of my age range.

I hate jam. Like, I really hate it. I didn't realize because I hadn't eaten it for years. And now I feel sick. D:

I'm a very difficult person to be with when shopping for new school shoes.

I could not choose a single pair of shoes.

There was something wrong with all of them.

And the good ones were too expensive.

I learned that my best friends like to yell out 'HLA!' at Hla.

Smoke is the creepiest person, he actually chased me and Jen!

I'm way too nervous around certain people.

Neha does cool hand art.

All this talk about school shoes has just reminded me that my school shoes are still painted red. I go back tomorrow. -fail-

I learned that it's actually rather hard to type quietly.

^ O: Finally, someone that agrees with me! It's definetely too sticky. And it feels really disgusting in your mouth.

And I learned how to make really cool friendship bracelets 8D


WHOAAAA. I'd like to hear that. xD

Everyone I know has such amazing birthdays.

Like January first, or June ninth, or December twenty fifth, or even.. October third. ;D

June ninth is especially cool. 0:

^ KDLJSLDFJSL RIGHT? Last night he said goodnight to me in a Howl voice. I. Flipped. End of story. lD

I learned what Clara learned, also. 0: But I like her birthdate. Just before Valentine's Day. <3

I also learned that Yahtzee Hands Down is hard to play.

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