Just because you're tall doesn't mean you can reach everything at the top of the cupboard.
In fact, as soon as I even touch something up there, it seems to fall.
Finding Christchurch, Vancouver, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and other cities in the atlas is fun.
I can in fact say and spell Massachusetts correctly.
Emily seems to find it amusing to pour water all over me while I am working.
Jen and I are like High School students now! We work in the library with tons of books.
Jen might meet Maria in January. o:
Selena likes to hide under Kirk's ( c )hair.
Mrs Leah will agree to take pictures with us!
I have no Solitaire on this Vista computer for some reason.
Water is very beneficial for health, so I'mma start drinking twelve glasses of water a day. xD
Emily, Jen and myself always have to water the stupid Marigold seedlings. D:
Random facts about Bonn, Germany.
There's a kid-made-Giraffe at the back of our School Library. I never knew that.
I have epic words on my new Spelling list.

Highest level of Spelling out of the whole class!
One of the teachers at my school expects everyone my age to be Facebook obsessed.
Edit; I didn't want there to be a © when I did ( c )!