What's something you learned today?


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Putting two arm chairs together to sleep on fails if you wake up and they've drifted apart and you're folded in half.

You get seriously strange looks if you sit in the square [Main area of town] with party hats on eating junk food on paper plates.

Telecom has screwed up their computer system meaning I have to wait a couple more days to get my number on my new phone.

My new phones camera shutter sound scares Fatty.

Shadow likes white liquorice.

- Michelle had an epic birthday! 8D

- Krystal likes Maria's new avatar, hahaaa.

- There's a lady that works in Supre who looks exactly like Lady Gaga.

- If I go shopping for 3 hours and leave with nothing new, Anastasia laughs.

- Moths really fail. Their blood is icky.

- Mum doesn't like the word 'lol'. She wants us to say ''I'm laughing''.

- Little girls like to give me hugs.. little boys are the opposite.

- Taking photos in the Art Gallery has now got me banned from there. )':

- The Art Gallery security guards also took my Art Gallery sticker away from me.

- I can confuse 9am with 12pm..

- I can also confuse men with dogs.

- There is a 'Pigeon Man' in town, who is in love with those birds.

- My camera runs outta battery at the worst times. Same with my phone.

- Anastasia has an iPod Shuffle.

- Mummy makes incredible salads. <3

- Australian Idol is very ''nail-biting''.

- Mum wants to buy Lady Gaga's CD for herself. O___O

- There's someone called 'Andy Clemmentay'' at Anastasia's school.

- The word 'suck' originated from a sexual meaning so mum doesn't want me using it. xD

- Apes can learn sign language, apparently.

- Shortstackfan.com now has new SS avatars :)

- Mark (mummy's boyfriend) makes shamazing curry.

- Mummy's best friend's full name is Maria. :0

Yeah. I love my Sundays :) There'd probably be more if I thought about it.

Krystal likes my avvie.

There are many epic streets in Sydney.

Audrey is good at hiding.

Judy's Stardoll is pretty darn cool.

Mummy doesn't approve of my darling Bradie's drinking.

Everybody's learning that I like Maria's avatar. xD

Apple Jacks are no good unless you eat them quick. :'D

My brother is a strange, strange person. xD

It's 9:58 AM on Sunday.

Well, after getting angry at my deodorant (don't ask me why) I learned that deodorant sticks can bounce when thrown hard enough.

NCEA for seniors are on.

I finally decided on my subjects for next year.

Mrs Summerfeild is really nice even though she looks scary.

She also likes to give people candy.

Mum is impressed by me making dinner with out her even asking me to.

Mum thinks what I made tastes better than how she makes it.

My cooky booky is the best. I got it for my birthday.

- Jen has the same birthday as Kevin Rudd! -PrimeMinisterOfAusWoot-

- Four should now be my lucky number.

- Krystal has amazing picture taking skills. (Especially with Obi-Wan!)

- I can drink a 2L bottle of orange lemonade a day. /Fatso.

- Sarah cut her hair to try and look like Shaun Diviney from SS. She failed..

- Mrs Smith lets us make plays especially for insults. Go her!

- Simple algebra. :)

- Everyone is obsessed with USB's.

- KFC is fun to write like ''Kay Eff See''.

- Emily finds absolutely everything hilarious. Literally.

Yeah. :)

-My rabbit might have to be put to sleep.

-We are able to go to Timothy's 13'th birthday party.

-Han Solo has awesome gloves.

-My bangs are so long that they go to the tip of my nose.

-Ksenia liked my pictures.

My mom is forcing me to skip grade 8. She wanted me to skip grade 7, but my cousin convinced her that it was the funnest (yeah, I know it's not a word but whatever) grade, so I get to take grade 7 =D

Boston is in Massachusetts.

Daddy misses our old dog, Jet. He keeps calling Shadow, Jet by accident.

This is making Daddy sad.

Daddy thinks I look like a popsicle.

People love me.

Lauren thinks I'm pretty.

People love my sense of humour.

Since my last log on to TT:

I learnt Andy, Bradie & Shaun's addresses.

And I learnt that dinosaurs are epic.

And that there's a LOT of kangaroo poo in Quentin Bryce's house.

GCTR serves bad food.

Adam isn't attractive from all angles xD

And lotsss more :D

Bradie's, Andy's, and Shaun's addresses. I love Maria.

And all these other random things at school that I can't be bothered listing.

Oh, and that ''Gnirps'' is a cool way of spelling ''Spring''. :) Hehe.

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