What's on your Copy and Paste?


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Romano sunk his teeth into a tomato, blinking furiously at his psychotic brother and equally psychotic cast of characters that flooded into the room. Now if only a certain Spaniard would just snap out of his permanently stupefied state and take some goddxmn action for once ... But did he? Romano was a fool for even hoping. The once formidable super nation was forever smiling serenely, totally unperturbed by the series of events happening right under his nose. Like Francis' ... display of affection --- the words burned the Italian's cheeks --- like the way Ivan was so openly fantasizing about crushing people's airways was normal ! The way he was gaping so stupidly at the show before him, you'd have thought it was the best thing to hit Broadway in years. Need Romano add that he didn't really give a **** if his brother was plowing through mountains of his precious pasta and naming them all in the process? Did Romano really care? No, Romano was too cool to be taken in with their stupidity, he was too mature for it. Maybe he was a bit of a jerk when it came to formalities and maybe he wasn't really the greatest guy to depend on. But he was no douche either. And although even the biggest of idiots could tell his brother was in it deep he really didn't have any plans to be crushed by the Russian, name of Ivan. And hxll, was that guy scary. So our mature Southern part of Italy continued to blend into the background without a word, wolfing down a good load of words too vulgar to be mentioned along with the chunks of juicy red tomato that was just about the only thing he had to would stop himself from going ballistic.

For a Spamano fic I'm working on. In Romano's pov, more or less.

The swears had to be edited though. =9

Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.

Chuck Norris can drown a fish.

Chuck Norris can play the violin with a piano

When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off

XD I don't even know


not really anymore. i stretched and felt this weird thing behind me. i thought it was a cat so i turned around but it was just a teddddy bear :)

For a Facebook comment.

Don't ask.

Maybe I'm just lucky cause it's hard to believe, believe that somebody like you'd end up with someone like me



Here. I got you this picture of a duckling. Enjoi.

I tend to believe that cereal is a pretty overrated breakfast item. I’d much rather eat cereal late at night, as an alternative to burning the roof of my mouth on hot pockets or pizza bagels, (both of which are still delicious, mind you.) Breakfast should be hearty, not some half-a**ed bowl of grains, sugar and milk. What a total bore!

Milk’s disgusting anyway. Tell me, which estranged, pre-historic cave man decided it was a good idea to tug on some wild animal tits and make a meal out of it? Better yet, what TRIBE did this lunatic come from? Something had to be severely wrong with these folks for the trend to actually catch on. Imagine the dialogue.

Ug: Check it out, Orp. Zug chasing that cow. What he doing?

Orp: Me not sure, Ug. Look like he caught it though. He… Oh… He grabbing its…

Ug: This look fun, AND delicious! Ug want help! Orp, grab goat, cat and chicken! We experiment rest of day.


Anyway… Case in point; make me an omelet. At least eggs aren’t forced from a creature’s underside. Can you imagine?



Heh. Heh heh. Earlier my brother peeked at my computer and saw that picture and I was all, "SLKDFJSKLDJF.... Um...." And he said, "Heyy. Isn't that that guy.. James or something from--" I cut him off and I was like, "Yeah. Hah. Hahahaaah." Then there was awkward silence. I know he wanted to know why I had that picture up. xDDDDD Oh well. He might as well get used to seeing his future brother-in-law around.

^ WHOA WHOA WHOA. Give me some warning, dangit. >3

My mom very nearly walked in on me as I was staring all 'nyeeeeeeh~' like at that shirtless Francis picture.

Like dude, what does a girl need to do to get some privacy?

Nothing's on my paste because I just got on. (8

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