Well-known member
Oh. Wow. Uhm. It's a realllllllllly long fanfic that I copied. I won't post it. xD /loljaettcff
^ LOLOLOLOLOL.I was just on Photobucket for a little while, so this oughta be interesting.
Well then. -newtab- XDDDDDD OH NO. -dies- Hugmetooplz.
Not another word, missy. xD You wish he was hugging you too!^ LOLOLOLOLOL.
-staresinaweO8-Lacerations adorned his chest like a scatter of bloody, decorative ribbons, all rich-red in colour and glistening under the surgical light. Leather binds firmly pinned down the gentlemen, making all his struggles to escape pointless and strenuous. Breathing was a strive in itself as Ivan was sat on Toris' abdomen, pushing his entire weight down, feeling the diaphragm jolt with each gasp against his thighs. The Russian grinned with delight, enjoying his new found form of torture, especially created for the Lithuanian, drawing out each second with agonising precision. "Вы красивая, да.."
Working on a Russia/Lithuania fic, had to copy part of it so a friend could revise it for me.
: D