What's a random fact about you?


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I am sitting under the table.

Me and my bestfriend do indeed have conversations which nobody else understands.

I have Graduation on Thursday and I swear, I am NOT looking forward to it.

I'm going to the Short Stack concert on Saturdaaay!

Now I'm outside, doing a webcam tour of my backyard to Michelle. Hehee.

I literally hyperventilated when I saw Luke and Layton plushies online.

I went to the orthodontist today. Last appointment for a year. 8D Yay no more braces.

I might go out to see my great aunt who'd been sick for years who's finally getting better. I love her. <3

I had the highest heels last night.

Higher than the teachers.

Peter thought that was funny.

So when we danced, he went up on his tippytoes.

I love Peter x]

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I wasn't aloud on the computer yesterday.

But I got on for 2 minutes when dad went downstairs so I can PM Krystal.

Me and Krystal wi-fi'd on Animal Crossing Wild World yesterday.

I wanna wi-fi with her again today

just to freak ppl out, i flip my eyelids, its awsome

AHH!! me and my friends have converstaions nobody understands as well!!

i like watching salad fingers and charlie the unicorn <3

^ Samee. x3 Except I was WiFing with you... not myself. xD

I just took a quizzy thing on Twitter and it said:

Justin Bieber is into you.

wow, you really like him, don't you? he loves you, your sweet, funny, cute, very down-to-earth and kind personality strikes him!!! you two are definitely a match!!:]]

...Jae's gonna kill me. x3

I had my whole Graduation ceremony and celebrations today!

First we went to the Beach House. That was like, the funnest.

Most people went on the waterslides. Me and my friends stayed inside, playing car games, and Guitar Hero.


Then we went to Charlie's Diner. All you can eat restaurant. :) I got three plates of food and dessert.

Thennnn, we came back to school, Jen came to my house, and we made t-shirts.

And then it was time for the ceremony. :3 I looked like a bumblebeee. It was awesomely fun.

They described each graduating student before they spoke. Apparently I'm 'quiet, sweet, and kind to everyone'.

But as my family says ''I may appear quiet and reserved, but secretly I'm insane!''

So yes. That was my day.

It also qualifies as a random fact. [:

My eyes...


and thats it :)

one day theyre blue (lyk bright blue)

the next day theyre and browny green.

its odd. :angry:

I just read ^ that as "I just drank some beer."

My reaction was "WTHOMG oh..."

I got carsick today.

I just watched an episode of RK.

Sanosuke's voice is absolutely amazing when you have a clip of him talking on loop. xDDD

I'm tired but I don't feel like going upstairs.

My webcam is facing me and I feel like it's watching me.

I had cookies today. ZukoCookie

I follow Justin Bieber on Twitter.

Since when does Krystal have Twitter?! xD


I have my Short Stack concert today and I am so super massively excited.

I'm reasonably happy with my report card. But I am a fail at Greek.

I love talking to Chelle about things that nobody else would understand.

My neighbours are loud as!

I google words to make sure I've spelt them right.

I text Jen so much.

I miss my friends.

My Primary ones.

Though it's only been one day.


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