What's a random fact about you?


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I just Webb'ed you.

You just got Webb'ed by me.

At school today we were all changing the backgrounds on our computer accounts.

I Webb'ed the screen :)

I Webb alot.

I'm almost done my project :DDDDD

Just gotta do the notes...

Why do I do the notes after..?

My notes are gonna be half english half french xDD

I'm the only going to try outs unless Ivana finishes her porject )':

Some people just irritate me.

Today we did Kris Kringle. I'm not really happy with who I got. \:

I got Emma, and she's this random little girl who's in love with HSM.

I love MLIA. :)

Lolroll is so much cooler than lolrofl in my opinion.

I just finished webcamming Kirrrrk.

For our school end of year celebration, my class is doing this weird Addams Family thing.

We have to play guitar, keyboard and stuff to the theme tune. I do guitar.

I wanna do something cool like this other class--they get to do a dance to Thriller. D:

I love the Stackiesss.

I had the best dream last night but it's really long.

I reallllly dislike the :) smiley. I like :)

I peed quickly in the science lab 'cause my science teacher said there's a ghost there. 0_o

I PMed Ksenia. (Ksenia eh?) xDD

My team just pwned the other school in volleyball :)

My username for a school thingy was "rotflmfao" xD

My friend was "Fat William" xD

This is a pretty great week :)

I'm done all my homework

Except science

But only 3 people have started it

ME EITHER. -high 5-

My printer eats paper.

Today was a good day, though I can't help but try and find faults in it.

I'm eating my tea.

I only just realised I haven't eaten today.

I have to hand in a book review tomorrow on a book and never bothered reading.

My friend emailed me when we were in class, instead of just calling my name...

For some reason, this 5th grader likes picking fights with me...

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I'm seeing New Moon on Saturday with Amber! o; Even though I hate Twilight. xD

I'll do anything to spend time with old friends like her.


I hate Tamara, she ruined my dreamsss!

I don't even know Tamara personally.

Jen's going to my house tomorrow. :) HappyChappyDappy.

I'm outta facts.

I'm super dupery happy right now.

I had an all girls team with the best grade 7 girls and a few suckishh grde 6s and we still won all our games :D

We beat then 8-1 games :)

My big sister stole my cellphone. =(

I got burned on the lower part of my right shoulder and another one on the lower part of my left thumb. [another] =(

I'm going to join the City Meet.

I'll play tennis on the City Meet.

We will start practicing tomorrow.

My mum bought me a Zodiac Sign book. [Virgo]

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