What's a random fact about you?


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Last night I was on a bus from 10.07pm to 10.24pm.

Tomorrow I do the SELL program.

Right now I need to go dry my hair.

One time I stayed up all night with my friend and sent someone an email at 3

gumdrop37 B)

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I loled at the above post :(

Fact: I love Pokemon. I think It's cool and I carry a pokemon Folder and Backpack to school even though I'm in year 11 (11th grade)

My dad doesnt let me play nintendogs in the house, cause apparently, it confuses the dog xD

Today I lost my dog.

I didn't actually lose him.

He got bored because I was climbing a tree and walked 2 km home.

I spent 30 minutes looking for him then went home thinking I'd allowed my dog to be dog napped/hit by a car.

I am a ninja.

Some people don't appreciate that about me.

I think my cat Fatty looks like a morepork.

I'm on the phone to Mariaaa :)

I'm on mummy's computer at this very moment.

I am multi-tasking.

I want a big laptop like Weiwei's dad's.

I have had a reasonably boring day today. D:

I believe in Michelle's special ninja powers.

Yeaaaaah. :)

I admire a persons dedication to the cause but that won't change my mind.

My foot bruise is getting worse.

Karma kicked my butt for losing my dog because I fell out of that tree.

I renamed my parents.

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