What's a random fact about you?


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Lol, that is perfectly fine, Ossycar :)

I have an avatar changing obsession. Seriously. It's bad.

I'm about to go check the maaaail! 8DD

I just went to get the mail and there was lots of amazing junk mail!

Mum thought I was 13 for a few seconds. xD O:

I have a day off school today cause the teachers have a day-long meeting.

I stayed up until 3am last night cause I was bored. Haha.

I honestly can't draw --- Weiwei & Starry say my drawing looks 'funny'. xD

I stole my class' crayon sharpener. I see it right now :)

I made a new smiley. It's a bucktooth beaver one -----> :B

I have a neck and back cramp.

Lulz, I wanted to say something stupid.

I just took off all of the wallpaper in my dining room. I was angry, and we're redecorating. Good mix.

I also just screamed "HOLYCRAP." Because of a crow outside my window. It was all, "CAAW. D:<".

And my dad thinks I fail at the internet. But he fails at music, so it's all good.


I think I just broke ANOTHER bedspring. Crap. :/

I also just said, "Oh GOD, yes!" Which sounded so wrong.

And Michaela thinks I said, "Uuuuh." In a sexual manner. But it wasn't me. T'was Pete, I say. Pete!


^^ Ohmai, Nicola. xDD

Well. I freak out about my dreams, as Nicola now knows. n..n

And. I can kick my own head.

And. My shirt's annoying.

And. I have a new swim suit.

And. "Patrick's pressing buttons~ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~"

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