What's a random fact about you?


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I went to the shopping centre yesterday with Jen, and I saw Short Stack. :) They were doing a meet and greet though the line was too big so we didn't get to get autographs or photos with them. We got photos of them and talked to Bradie though. 8D

Then we went to the SS concert. It was loudddd. But I got used to it and it was definately worth it. There were three supporting bands; Ellington, My Future Lies and some other random band. Afterwards we got a Sway Sway Baby t-shirt and Stack Pack!

And yes, that is a random fact about me. xD

I had chicken korma for dinner.

I have sugar on a stick.

I feel fat, even though I know I'm not.

I love sunnies.

I just changed my avvie/siggy combo.

I ate a whole bottle of sweet tart squeeze. Before bed. x_o Sugar. xD

I'm about to go get gum. :3

I'm 13 years old and I love watching Lifetime Original Movies. They're so dramatic and edgy.

I watch movies on DVD two times. Once to enjoy the movie and twice to listen to the commentary.

I have two very different sides to me. I'm half very much a child and half a hormone fuelled, complaining teenage girl.

I'm extremely ill at the moment.

Sneezing, runny nose, headache, ringing in ears, coughing, sore throat, stomach ache, you name it.. I'm just scared that it might be Swine Flu. :0

I never re-name anything or anyone. I like original names. xD

Hopefully I'll feel better in time for school tomorrow.

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