What's a random fact about you?


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I'm very....errrrr....cool?

In fact, I'm the most un-cool and lame person you will ever meet. Everything I say and do turns out either really lame or plain wrong. Wrong as in, the perverted wrong.

I hate the fact that how ever hard I try, I can't find the cousins that I have possibly lost forever. D:

I like biting the cord of my headphones to the tpoint where I think there gonna break!

sometimes i feel like theres some one behind me and i run the like hell away :mimitchi:

especially when theres no one else in the room and then i feel chills on my back.

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○I'm a very affectionate person. When I'm with others, and in my slightly calmer mode, I'll usually be sitting on someone's lap or linking arms with my friends. I am also known for ○hugging people a lot, and see no problem with kissing my guy friends on the cheek.

○I sing. And surprisingly, I'm no epic fail at it either. It's, like, one of my passions. I'm a natural performer, and feel happiest on stage.

○I make friends way too quickly. Definitely a people person, I love others' company.

○I'm a complete spaz. You knew that was coming. XD

I'm sucking at school all of a sudden. Like now, the highest grade I get is a C+.

i take my hair and put it above my lip and pretend i have a mustache

then i take it and put it on my eyebrows and have unibrow ;D

fun thing to do when really bored.

-My toys are like my non-people family.

-My nickname is Bradie :]

-Mummy's considering sending me to a doctor of some sort to help me gain co-ordination so I don't fall over as much as I do now.

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