What's a random fact about you?


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I love rain. I love everything about it...the sound of the drops pattering on the pavement, watching the ripples they create wherever they hit...I even like the 'rain smell'. :huh: When it rains, there's a hush all around, as peace blankets...everything. <3



I just learned that Stereos band were canadian.

I have easily crackable knees.


I often wish I was a cat. The thought of sleeping and staring out the window all day is awfully appealing...

i enjoy keeping the AC (not animal crossing.... air condition, people!) on like 68 or 69 degrees. its comfortable.

-- I need something to chew on/bite at all times.

-- I'm gonna sleep over my brother's house tonight. x3

-- I have thousands of amazing nicknames. xDDD

-- Last night I was knitting cause I was bored (don't mind the username).

-- I have thousands of amazing nicknames. xDDD
I like Senny! I gave it to you!!!! YOUR NICKNAME!!!! haha.

I'm not surprised how mum reacted to when I told her about Senny//Ksenia. She was REALLY disapointed when I told her that she lived in Aussie.

haha. I'll show her pics of you today.

I like Senny! I gave it to you!!!! YOUR NICKNAME!!!! haha.
Err, no you didn't give it to her. She had that nickname for, like, ever.

- I spend hours on the computer each day.

- I made my end of summer post goal in the first week.

- I should make my new goal 10 000

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