What's a random fact about you?


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^ /Is jealous.

I'm home alone for most of the night.

I keep creating a beat by tapping a 10p coin on random objects.

I enjoy acting like a hippie, and going all "Duuude" on people.

Austin's my most favorite name ever right now. <3

I think I might fall in love with anyone named Austin.

I think of the future and children a lot, and that makes me blush. |'D

I was singing "My Hero" last night.

As soon as I finished, the song came on TV.

That's happened about three times recently (with old songs that haven't been played for a while).

I'm scared. There's someone out there...

I'm really lazy today. It's probably because it's too hot here today, and I don't feel like moving away from my air conditioner. ^_______^;;

I woke up at six in the morning today for absolutely no reason, because I don't go back to school until tomorrow.

I legit read Clara's new siggy as 'break down in my pants.' /needs sleep

The earliest I ever woke up and got out of the house was 5:00 AM, and it was the best day of my life. <3

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I was singing "My Hero" last night.As soon as I finished, the song came on TV.

That's happened about three times recently (with old songs that haven't been played for a while).

I'm scared. There's someone out there...
It happened again. Twice last night and once this morning, but not with songs.

My mum says it's a coincidence. I say TV is trying to mess with my mental health.

My cat likes mice.

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