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I'm kinda liking twitter, surprisingly.

I hope Krystal has a good dream tonight, because I had a pretty magicalpants one myself ~

I wish Bethy would get a twitter also !

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Beth; Somebody I love in a video game died.

And that sounded a lot more pathetic when I typed it out. XDD

It would be pretty cool if Beth could get a Twitter. But you can still stalk us here! xD

My back hurts again.

I need better posture.

I had a headache last night.

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^^Yes, indeed I can stalk you here. xDD

Sounds like James should've given you a massage !

I am superrr tiredd.

I keep failing at typing.

I can't wait until Harry Potter comes out.

Ronald Weasley / Rupert Grint is my other husband <33

My headache's gone, but my back still does hurt. Maybe I'll get some Jamesotherapy. =DD

And, Beth, if you're tired, curl up in bed and have Logan sing you to sleep. He'd be more than happy to, you know.

I didn't eat breakfast.

I don't know what to eat for lunch! D:

I feel like changing my siggy/avvie, but I don't know what to change it to.

I love this one 80s' song. xD

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Good point. D;


I have The Final Countdown stuck in my head.

I'm the only music lover in my family.

I'm sitting next to a window!

How sweet, Beth. Have fun~

I have to go also.

My summer is busy. o;

Some family friends are coming over tomorrow; Anne, Matthew and James!

..James. Omg. xD Well. He's a little four-year-old. :'DD

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' date='+July 19, 2010 11:29 am'] Matthew?Would Matthew be Canada? |D

We're seeing Mr Ihan a lot this summer, too. 8D
Why, I don't know! xD

I'm EXTREMELY giddy thanks to Beth, and a certain thought.

I can't stop giggling.

I'm listening to an old Mario track that I love.

He's going to the gym. It's okay, I'll survive. I think. o;

I love YouTube when I'm bored.

I really miss Alicia and Casey.

I want to hang out with them.

I have a headache again! D:

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