What's a random fact about you?


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The only cheese I'll eat is marble, and it makes me hyper. (I swear I'm not kidding, marble cheese is the ONLY thing in the world that makes me hyper. Just ask my mum. ;) )

I love Tesshi from NewS and we're going to get married when I'm older.

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I hit my head like 4 different times when my brother locked me in the closet. xD

I lovee Spongebob Squarepants. (But not the new episodes. Those... er... bite whale bubbles. xDD)

I am sitting right by a window. :3

Top 10 Most random facts in best to worst order:

1) Im surprised nobody commented on my cheese+me=me hyper thing.

2) Im listening to beat it right now.

3) I went to the movies in my first "friends night out" tonight

4) My mum randomly went and got a ds game for MY ds

5) This is MY computer, but yet my dad goes on it most.

6) I hart chewing stride gum

7) I'm missing my Animal Crossing Wild World Case

8) Everytime my cousin Christopher is in a conversation, I giggle too much.

9) I can put my toes it my mouth!

10) I've made non-loose teeth loose, but I can't pull out my really loose tooth!

I also love Spongebob Squarepants just like Krystal does.

I'mma going to dad's soon.

I see my socks.

I couldn't get to sleep last night cuz mum and her boyfriend were being too... loud :|

I want Michelle's mac and cheese.

Ksenia's Mum and boyfriend being too loud makes me think of something else...

I burnt myself on my mac and cheese.

I am wearing Esther [My elmo shirt]

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