Neon Tiger.
Well-known member
I've matured. A lot. xD
Too many luv's. xD I've matured a lot, and that was just from when I was 8. o.oHi everybody! I'm TamaPATCHI and I luuuv Kuchipatchi. I also love all kinds of tamas except some and I also luv this place right here!
Hi I am new but I know a lot about Tamas.There three things to do that I know of.
1. Make sure your Tama's weight isn't too high.
2. The more skill points you have in the skill that that job you are applying for in, the bigger chance of getting accepted you have. For example of I have 283 Social/Kindness, 133 Intelligence and 152 Arts/Talent and I applied for the scientist job, I wouldn't have as much as a good chance as something like a firefighter because the firefighter job is in the Social/Kindness category of jobs and the scientist is in the Intelligence category of jobs, and I have most Social/Kindness and least Ingelligence.
3. Play games if you have really low skill points and just take good care of your Tama!
Well that's all!
^Notice the difference. (Evidently, I just continued that topic on this new account, and if you went to that topic, you'd easily find out my old account.) Kind of wish I made an introduction topic for some reason, though.My parents don't support the idea of online selling/buying. But I agree, it would work out much better than a yard sale.
Thanks for the ideas, though. ^^
XD my posts have changed even within a a week and a few days.... yeah....Hi! My name is Sara! I am new to TamaTalk. I love Tamas! You can call me Dotz~*! (I am a girl well of course!)
My tamas:
v6 1
v5 1
v4 1
v3 1
v2 2
My friends think I am funny kind and nice. I hope you find me interesting!
This is how I got my name Well my dogs name is Dots but instead I made it a z well bye! I am 13 years old and I am an animal lover as I said Dots, my dog he is a dalmatian. i love him!
It was in a team story apparently.once upon a time a tiger named lily lived near a village of demon slayers.
(Yes this is DRS (Draft_Rebel_Scyth), I got a new account because I needed a change, so if your going to rate me lower because of that go ahead)