What was the last word you said?


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I saw this girl with artwork of Hollister, and I said "What a teenybopper"

''Yeah, I'm up to Chapter 11.''

Telling mummy that I'm reading and have read a lot today, even though I glance at the computer every once in a while, though it's meant to be off.

''Haha.. Posh Spice. I don't even know what she looks like. The bodgy wodgy, what the hell? That is NOT going to be right. Oh shiz, it's being right! Oh my gawd, she got them right!''

''The poor hobos, they'll have to hide under some shelter.''

Awwwh, mummy's talking about homeless people, and it's seriously breaking my heart. It might be funny sometimes, but seriously, it hurts me to think what they live like.

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