What was the last word you said?


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"Our garbage cans blew over?"

Asking my mum if our garbage cans blew over in the storm last night.

^ True. I've had some pretty flipping good ones.

I started chanting: "Om nom om nom om nom nom nom."

My dad makes the best stuffing like... in the world. xD

"Good for us- we left the mayo out. Yippee!"

Being sarcastic... and no, this time I wasn't quoting the Simpsons xD

"Find your treehouse, a tree so tall, it's a big world after all~"

Singing a song from an old baby show that popped into my head!

"Hmmm. Very peculiar..."

I'm not feeling like myself today. o.o Too much Layton?


"I'mma Krystal pistol."

Guns and rhymes. Yey. x3

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