What vintage do you want the most?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
I want an Arukotchi the most. The TamaWalkie (Another pedometer Tamagotchi) is absolutely fantastic, so I bet the Arukotchi would be, too. The characters are adorable, and who can resist the dating theme? So cute ^_^ I wish they weren't rare and expensive.

What vintage do you want the most?

Devilgotchi the most, I love the characters in that version, also I like how it actually has an ending that you can get them to go to heaven, I just find that part of it adorable :)

But it's way out of my price range so I highly doubt I'll ever actually get one :(

I want an Angelgotchi. I love the way they look and I heard they are really fun to play with.

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Devilgotchi because Devils rock, even though is impossible to get, I'm completely fine with the app version though~

I already have the Genjintch and those 2 are pretty much my favourites xD

Hmm, I'd have to say the Morino or the Mothra. Maybe the P2.

Absolutely the white/silver Santaclautchi. It's one of my favorite shell designs of any Tamagotchi. Absolutely beautiful.

Yasashii and maybe the Tama school (if that's even considered a vintage). I had dreams about both and decided to do some research on them, now I kinda want them!

I've got quite a few vintages, although I'd like a Devil and TamaOtch :p

Hmm... Probably a Mothra, Genjintchi, Morino, or Devilgotchi. They all seem so cute!

I mean, I'd be fine with ANY of them, but those four are like my personal holy grail!

Now I just need to get money... *grumble grumble*

Luckily I was able to snag an english anglegotchi on ebay. However I really really want the Santagotchi, but it's ridiculous how expensive they are. The 1997 Collectors Edition Tamagotchi is pretty cool and not crazy money, so I guess that's more realistic for me hahaha! :D

The English Oceans are my dream tamas. Perhaps one day...

I've always wanted an angelgotch and finally now that I'm old enough to buy one myself, I'm getting one in a month! I'm so excited! I just wish it didn't take a month to come.

I want an Ocean one ! I've always loved the sea, and I don't know, I kinda want to try it :D

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