What traits do you envy?


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meowbark, that would be pretty hard. Wh not PM me with a video from YouTube and I'm A OK. (No, I'm serious.)
LOL. I also envy people with nicer faces than me. (I have pretty much a unibrow. >X()
Pluck it? Shave it?

I don't really envy people to much but one thing that just sort of bothers me about myself is just how ordinary I look. I know this one girl who has this really pretty, curly, wildish red hair and these deep green eyes, and she just looks so exotic and beautiful. On a trip to Greece a greek person said she looked like one of the godesses. I'm not like ugly or anything but I just feel really ordinary.

I wish I was more socialble [if that's a word!].
lol, socialble I like that word, but it's just social actually. I say stuff like that all the time :(

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UH, I HATE MY HAIR! My hair is thin, and to my shoulders and strait. It is like, dull. I envy my friend who has perfect thick long brown hair.

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