I take showers in late afternoon (6-7) after I get home from school, but usually I have to take it in that time slot because my hair has to be styled and combed constantly after a shower because, alas, I have curly hair and we all know what a biotch volume can be.
Otherwise, on the weekend, I take showers anywhere from 9pm-3am.. it just depends on the time because I need time to let my hair air-dry. : ( I tried blowdrying once and I ended up looking like Dolly Parton... with more frizz. ;_;
If I took a shower in the morning it'd be utter and complete chaos. XD I fail at keeping track of time in the morning and, uh, I'd probably fall asleep under the water faucet. I've done that a few times, and I hate the feeling of going outside with wet hair... also, drying off and then putting on school clothes is yucky. D: