Last year I took English, Honors freshman math (mostly Geometry with Algebra I+ Algebra II), World History (really only up to the twelfth century, though), Biology, French 2, Public Speaking, and a computer class.
This coming year I am taking:
-Honors Sophomore English,
-Honors Sophomore math (Algebra II/Trigonometry/Finish the Geometry book for the first two months/PreCalc),
-Chemistry (my math grades weren't good enough for honors, even though I love science and did well in bio D: Plus that would have been a fourth honors class, which I would have to petition for on the academic counsel, which would have been a lot of work),
-AP World History (Twelfth century through present, then a review of what I learned last year for the AP exam),
-French 3,
-Photography (I am so excited for this! It's actual film photography and we get to develop the film and I've heard the class is great)
-Musical Theatre (Pretty much the only performing arts class that I can take. I need the credit. I'm not excited.)
But overall, my classes for this year I think are going to be really fun. I can't wait!

And yes, the honors math program is set up very oddly at my school. They try to get us to learn so much in so little time just because they want us to be in AP Calc BC when we are a senior. Which I will not do, seeing as I'm going to drop math after Calculus.