What stereotype would you be?


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I'm indie, but I don't like to define myself as it because I don't try to be..

I didn't even know it existed until a few weeks ago

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I'm in the Athletic groupd ;)
me too! :D

well I would call myself 3/4 sporty, 1/4 girly, or maybe liek... 0.99999/4 girly, 0.00001/4 nerd, too.

..well... maybe, 2.5/4 sport, 1/4 girly, 0.1/4 nerd, and 0.4/4 class clown/dramatic kid.

... which all adds up to the "me"

Honestly? I don't know.
Lots of people call my a scene because I tease my hair, wear skinnies, wear thirft store tops, neon converse, and put bows/big clips in my hair.

Also because I wear eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and have "pale/clear" skin.
[SIZE=7pt]I think we're twins :)[/SIZE]

so, yeah, I'd say scene for me.

I tease my hair, wear converse, skinnies, have the makeup, band shirts, the bows.

But really, I started wearing converse, skinnies, and band shirts before I even knew what scene was, lmao.

I come in all sizes, shapes and colours.

Full stop.


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Uhm, scene I suppose.

Although I'm way too happy and colorful to be a scenester. Wait, isn't that emo? Ahh, labels confuse me. xD

Well I wear saggy black clothes, lacey fingerless gloves, have redicolously thick, dark hair, occassionally wear eye liner so I'd say I'm a goth. I'm not a wannabe-goth or anything, it's what I want to wear.

I don't really fit into anything

Skater -- NO! I'm incredibly clutzy. I can't walk straight, nevermind skate.

Emo -- No, I don't gte the whole Emotional thing. I have nothing against people like that. But It's not me.

Punk -- I don't have the edge

Goth -- Hardly ever wear just black

Preppy -- pft, no

Scene -- huh?

Indie --na

Rocker --Don't have the edge. And I'm not musically tallented

Sporty -- I fall over when I do sports. Or I'll wack someoen in the head with the ball. Not kidding. My teachers ask me to sit out most times because I'll eitehr injure myself or soemoen else.

Probably skater/dork/artistic.

I can be totally quiet in class but spaz out when I'm in the hallways.

I like to skateboard. I'm a dork when it comes to the grades I get. & I love my journal, camera, and guitar :3

A lot of people classify me as a rocker or scene. But no. I'm over the top when it comes to clothing but I try not to be scene like all those poseurs that say they are and try too hard to dress like them.

I can't stand labels but if I had to choose...well...I don't think I really fit in with any of them. People have just called me a "freak" and I guess that's it. I'll try to put up a picture of me one day if I can remember.

I don't fit in with labels. I was born what you would call a prep. I wear strange combinations. I'll walk around screaming, "I BE WEARIN GANGSTA PANTS." When I wear my school sweats, but most of the time I dress scene/emo/goth/whatever. I am whatever I feel like. Deranged gerbil preppy ghetto kitty sexy hamster emo rainbow-colored bunny blonde person thing. That is what I am.

I'd probably be a jock...

I don't do anything except swim 3-5 days a week, and my friends want to do stuff with me but I'm always at a practice or meet. I don't know what's it's going to be like in the Spring, when I join distance track and have to swim at the same time... <_<

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