What size are you?


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:D Meh has teh small feetz. 5 in womens. 



I'm a 6, I have very small feet. xD

In Mens? I don't believe I own a pair.

Same here my dear friend! If they have a good wide size in 10-10 1/2 then I can wear those, but usually they dont so I have to do 11's =(
Hubby is a 15 in mens, and sometimes a 16 if they arent wide enough. Do you know how hard it is to find shoes for him???
I can only imagine lol. It's hard finding decent sandles for me since I need wide too. Seems like I need sandles that I can lace up when I want fancy ones :p My friend Jason has men's size 15 feet and my best friend Jon has size 13 in men's.

Wow... I have very small feet.

I don't even remember my shoe size, but it's smaller than that :p

I'm size 4-6 womens clothes and size 9 shoes.

Yeh, I have huge feet and tiny waist (47cm)

Oh, I tend to have a really hard time finding shoes that fit, coz I have wide feet. So thats one of the many reasons that Chucks are amazing. 8D

Size 8 overall? I dunno. I don't pay attention to mens and woman... blah.. blah...

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Lol, I get comments about my size all the time. Like there were these 8th grade boys that said I was a kindergartener. I don't mind though, I'm quite aware of my smallness. xD

You think your feet are big!
I'm 12 and I wear 11 1/2 in womens. Yeah. I know.
I'm 11 1/2 in Womens too, and I'm 14 (years old, not foot size xD)

Its like impossible to find shoes that fit me where I live. The highest size they have here is a 10. And thats waaaaaaay to small for me. xD

I only have 1 pair of runners, and one pair of sandals. (the Runners I got when i was 12, And The Sandals I fortuanatly got this year in the town i live in, they were the only pair in there that would fit)

The Runners were originally size 9 when i got them, but i've worn them So Much (As In, Every Day. Alot, and i've worn them in the rain, so yeah) I've stretched them. xD

And the Sandals, I don't wear them as often, and they're a size 11

I also have long toes.

My Index Toe...Or whatever you call the toe next to your big toe, Is about half a centimeter shorter than My Pinky Finger.

And My Big toe is about half a centimeter shorter than My thumb.

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