that really sucks rachel3802, the same thing happened to me. 's awful.
And I'm feeling super tired... I walked to the park with my friend and then later me, my friend, my sister, her brother, and her mom walked to superstore and back. *dies from all the WALKING*
And I'm mad because my friend's mom and my mom are fighting >> and my friend's mom won't let it go already!!! jeez! I can't go to my friends house by myself anymore! (I can only go for stuff like her Halloween party)
Im angry at my mum cuz she's going on and on and on about how her job isnt working out. Plus she said she's not gonna do anything anymore and she refuses to do anything apart from teach russian. She told me that she'll only do something else if i starve.
And im guilty cuz i went to school and forgot to put my tama on pause. Then all its happy and hungry hearts were empty..
...Ehh, I don't know. Relaxed, nature-y, I guess. Though, Nyan_Ko_Neko's avatar makes me violent. I feel like bludgeoning someone with a hockey stick, or something. Or gnawing on something. I like gnawing on things...