What pranks did you pull on April 1st?


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Well, the day before april fools day, me and Jen hot glue gunned stuff to stuff and people only found out today. They still don't know it was us. We will be naughty and say we didn't do it xP


I wrote a letter, to my friend. He's a guy.

I don't know how to say this, I love you. Or something like that. I don't remember it all. On the back, very lightly, I wrote April fools. <33.

He saw the letter, hugged me. looked at the back, walked away.


I um...

Oh, I know this wasn't this year, but still.

Last year, I set all the clocks like, 5 hours ahead. I woke my mum up, telling her I was late for school and so was she, for work. She freaked out, woke up my dad and my brother. It was only 5am.

It was a fun day. :'D

Haha. XD
But wait, you're fourteen, right, Katie? Is this Jimmy guy fourteen as well?

Just wondering. Because if not, that's illegal.

Pretty funny though. x3
Jimmy is sixteen. His girlfriend is seventeen. (I think it's legal, because it's minor-on-minor. If Jimmy was eighteen, then I think it would have been illegal.)

It was really funny though. Jimmy is such a redneck. He started cussing and throwing hillybilly sayings all over the place. :p

At school, our whole class did 'pinch punch, 1st day of the month, slip slap can't do it back to our teacher. it terified him! :)

I told my friend my dog died but he didn't lolz. She believed me.

My whole french class played a prank on our teacher.

The plan was that I'd ask her what the date was and when she responded with "April 1st" or something, we all dropped dead on our desks. Everyone did it, and our teacher was just like wth and laughed.

One of the boys in my English class gave our English teacher a P45 - you know, the thing that says you've been made redundant - and she tricked all of us by pretending she hadn't read it when she had etc. It was fun because she didn't take offence or anything.


I took one of my friends math work. He told the teacher.

It ended like this:

Friend #1: My work's not on the desk.

Friend #2: Snickerpie, I think the prank's over!

Me: *looks at teacher and friend #1* Uh-oh. *gives back work*

Teacher: *gives me the "Snickerpie!" look*

Me: April Fools xD

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