What made you happy today?


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I got to show off my Mugenbine Hercules to my team and had a good meeting with my boss. As for BEFORE today... I met one of my nephews for the first time this weekend, so that was cool too. Also, I won an auction for a P's last night! :D

....Now I just need to figure out all the IR phone stuff. XD

Finally beginning to get a tiny bit over getting my precious, precious scratch account banned. :') I still hate the scratch team tho. xD Plus, my new midi tower arrived yesterday so I wired everything up. Hope it'll work today!

Getting over having pluerisy (that's when the membrane your lungs are in gets inflamed and you spend three days feeling like a really weak guy is death-hugging you), got lunch at a new Mexican restaurant today (like legit Mexican, not Taco Bell... though I do love Taco Bell), beat Darksiders again, started Darksiders 2, watching Silicon Valley, hanging out with my wife, got Chinese food for dinner and watched an episode of Empire. ALL OF THESE THINGS MAKE ME HAPPY! :D

Talking with my friends and playing with my dogs makes me so happy, not to mention I caught a Kingdom Hearts stream earlier today and started playing it myself. I had a lot of fun with it and then I took a 2 hour nap :p I had an orange vanilla popsicle, one of my favorite things, and now I'm waiting for tomorrow so I can join the 2nd annual tamathon! So happy..

Just knowing that the exam week is going to be over after tomorrow's biology exam relieves me.

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