What made you happy today?


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my copy of fire emblem echoes got shipped!!
said copy of fire emblem echoes arrived today and i've been having a lot of fun playing it!!

also one of my friends drew one of my favourite characters for me as a gift and i just!! love the

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the overwatch event starts today and i already saw a really awesome dva skin that i want :')

I've had a good time just chilling today and it's sunny outside. Feels comfortably summery. :wub:

i got the really pretty new pharah skin!!! aaa and i handed in this assessment thats been killin me

The summer holiday is going to start next week on Saturday, and the exam week is almost over; just two more exams to go. Just thinking about the holiday makes me feel more content about life. I'll have a plenty of time to relax once it starts! I can finally get some sleep then.

I got Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild today! Can't wait to start playing it. ^_^

I watched log horizon w/ my fp today & now we're bonding over how much fun it is to say miss isuzu it's like mississippi but with another s/z syllable instead of a p syllable I love my fp

Not today, but yesterday, the announcement of the new Tempest Trials in Fire Emblem Heroes, and with it, the revelation of Tobin, one of my favourite Fire Emblem Echoes characters, being the reward unit for said Tempest Trials - I'm actually still very happy about it!!!

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